Wasteland, Located from N39°59′06.7″, E116°27′38.1″ to N39°58′53.3″, E116°27′45.7″, Wangjing Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, East of Jinyu Nanhu Park, West of Wangjing Campus of Central Academy of Fine Arts, South of Futong West Street, North of Nanhuqu Gongyuan South Road, 455 Meters Long and 9-21 Meters Wide, Covered with Dust-proof Net

Landscape art project, effect pictures
455 × 21 m
Between Jinyu Nanhu Park, Wangjing Campus of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Futong West Street and Nanhuqu Gongyuan South Road, there exists a long and deserted narrow area that is not marked on the map. This unnamed wasteland is surrounded by the outer walls of the surrounding locations, and the interior is weeds and rocks covered with dust-proof net.
Liu Tong attempts to name this area with an objective, descriptive text, and print the text on the dust net so that the text as a place name fills the entire area. At the same time the size of the text makes the information incomplete to be read in real space, but visible on the satellite map.